Me in the Superhuman World:
Startup Escalation 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020 2021 2022 .
2011: (Deputy | Zombies) Wolf-Woman (Britannia Beach | Silver Skull) (Lateran | Rapture | New Bosnia : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8) | (Discontent: Villains | 2014 | Plan | War | 1971 | Deal | Agents | Myth | Strike | Report) Super-Mage Useless Surprise | (Endgame: 1 | 2) .
2022: Pedigo | Lower Levels .
Culture: (Tape: Trailer | Clip) | Stay Dead! | Iv | Powernaut . .
Superhuman World 2011 is a work of fiction. The characters herein and the commentary about them should not be considered "real".
Britannia Beach Corned Beef Zombies New Bosnia Super-Mage 1971 The War Superhuman World Superhuman World 2011

Understory of Earth(s) 2011
Notes of Chancellor Wyatt Ferguson

(see for background)

(MW02, 29 Mar) Here on Earth-Sovietica, we're taking back the Arctic from a demon infestation. I cut the ribbon on a modular airplane factory on Baffin Island. The tech is weird enough on my world, that aircraft work as well as anything else for a cargo network. Baffin Island always depended on cargo planes, so they'r motivated.

(MW02, 26 May) King Minos of Atlantis has been revealed as a hermaphrodite... My world has Atlanteans, and they're even more annoying than in Earth-Balance. Any information about them is a good thing.

... Well, that was boring. All the interesting stuff is happening on Earths SW10 ("Balance" or "Superhuman World") and TW03 ("Wall" or "New Bosnia"). I've already moved my analyses into files published on SW10 as and .

Various characters in this fiction may have been created by various people. These are noted in credits where already claimed. But absent claims from these people, all characters in this fiction and the phrase "Superhuman World 2011" are copyright © 2011 - present by Eiler Technical Enterprises.