WARNING! This Is A Fictional Page!

When this page was written, there was no web presence of any corporate entity named "Nevada Power and Light". Around 2008, there was one, but as of 2019 its user portal has disappeared. Please consult your local provider in Nevada for any real power issues.

Proprietary System Notice DISCLAIMER

Nevada Power and Light is a forward-looking company whose mission is to bring power and light to Nevada and the world.


and light


against the elements

Captain Mighty is the living symbol of Nevada Power & Light's determination to keep pumping out power and light, despite whatever the elements may throw against us.
Stephen Wolcott is famous for his role as the superhuman Ellipsis.  But he's also one of the many scientists who bring forethought for the future to Nevada Power & Light.


for the future


to our job

Wyatt Ferguson is just one of our many employees dedicated to bringing you power and light.  Because that's our job, here at Nevada Power & Light.
The famous All-Girl Racing Team symbolizes the fast-moving efforts of Nevada Power and Light to keep up with your power needs.  And they show our commitment to equal opportunity.


to bring you excellence

update: as of 2009 after the natural death of driver Roxanne Scott, the racing team has dissolved. photo no longer available.


power & light

When you need power or light, Nevada Power and Light will be there for you.
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Not to be disclosed outside Nevada Power & Light, Eiler Technical Enterprises, or their trading partners without prior written permission.
Web site content copyright © 2005 Nevada Power & Light.
Web site format copyright © 2005 Eiler Technical Enterprises.